Well, this review is probably a bit late, but better late than never I guess? I think that The Last Jedi wasn't a terrible movie, in fact I liked it quite a lot. I thought that there were plenty of cool new things added to the Star Wars universe in that movie. Say, the Executioner Stormtroopers. I thought they were really cool, and I like the fact that they were included in a cheaper set.
The set comes with four Minifigures, which are the stars of the set like every other battle pack. The First Order Crew Member comes in several other expensive sets, so if you really want to build an army of generic dudes, this is a deal. The helmet is cool, but its a pretty bland figure. The same could be said for the First Order Shuttle Pilot. The figure is harder to get, but isn't too exciting. I like the new open helmet though.

This set retails for $14.99 in the U.S. It comes with four Minifigures and 108 pieces.
The main build of the set is a small cannon. It is pretty similar to other sets LEGO has done in the past. It is pretty simple, but it does not look awful. The turret can rotate on it's base, and you can adjust the height of the cannon. The cannon integrates a spring loaded shooter, which doesn't look too bad. The seat area has a clip for the Minifigure's stud shooter, which is greatly appreciated. Its a decent build, and it is better than other builds included in small battle packs .
The best part of this set is the Executioner Troopers, which is the only real reason to buy this set. I love these figures; they were really awesome in Episode VIII. The helmets have a black stripe, which differentiate it from the normal Stormtrooper Helmets. The torso's printing is slightly different as well, but it isn't too noticeable. I actually feel that the stud blasters are a little much in this instance, and the troopers only really need their staff. The staves themselves are pretty simple: they use the weapon from Galaxy Squad in transparent light blue, which works well. I think the figures look cool, even if they are relatively basic.
This set is all about the Minifigures, and I am split on the delivery. I feel like the two First Order crew are out of place. This is a battle pack, which should exclude non-combatant figures. But, the Executioner Troopers are really cool, so it might even out. The build of the set is pretty meh, which is to be expected. I think this is a good way to get the desirable figures, but I personally would wait until the Praetorian Guard battle pack comes out, for that is a better battle pack in general. But if your heart is set on getting the Executioner Troopers, don't let anything stop you. My apologies for this post being less in depth, my life has been pretty chaotic. I am just now getting time to write for the site again. I do have plans for future reviews and other content, so be on the lookout for that. Other than that, thanks for reading!
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