LEGO Ninjago ElectroMech (Guest Post)

Hi, everyone! I invited my LEGO obsessed little brother, to write a post for this blog. He eagerly accepted and wanted to review his set, the Ninjago Electromech. I hope you all enjoy!

(Editor: Oh great. Another LEGOnaut.)

Hi I'm Duncan's little brother, and I have a review of the Electromech from Ninjago.

It comes with an arrow shooter, the base has an exclusive print.

Now, on to the Electromech! The Mech has a print on the console which is in the cockpit.
The console is the part with the red printing.

It includes some stickers though. In the back, it has four golden blades that move up and down when you push a gray bar up. (Duncan: It's the pneumatic element.)  

It has a gun arm with two stud shooters.

Also,  the Mech has a arm with movable fingers. 

The Minifigures are Jay and Chope

They have cool prints. Chope is the person who mans the arrow shooter.  (Duncan: Heck with the prints, I want that snake helmet!)

The weapons are, a Jade blade weapon for Jay and a spear for Chope.

Chope has a pike, and in my opinion it is ugly.

(Duncan: In all the promotional images for the show, I saw the Jade Blades by themselves not as parts of intricate weapons. Kids can also remove the trans-green blade.)

Here's Jay actually in the Mech.

That is my review of the Electromech!

I think that this set is awesome. I really like the Mech. I think it is unfair that Chope gets only a arrow shooter and a pike to fight a Mech. I like all the action features in it. This a good thing to add to a Ninjago Collection.

Well, he got the review he has been asking for. I think the set is pretty cool as well. I did notice there were a lot of stickers in the set and some pretty funky leg construction. 

Well, I better stop writing in my brother's post. Thanks for reading and give any advice you have for us in a comment below.

(Editor: It wasn't enough we had one LEGO blogger. Now he's rubbing off on his little brother.)
