Hey, everyone! Today, I have a review of two of the Collectible Minifigures, the Ballerina and the Frightening Knight!

I got two of the Series 15 Minifigures in Little Rock, Arkansas. We stopped at a shopping outlet and I found two of the Minifigures I wanted. I more than likely will not be reviewing the entire series, but I will show you all what I get.
Anyway, first up is the Ballerina.

LEGO.com description
I got two of the Series 15 Minifigures in Little Rock, Arkansas. We stopped at a shopping outlet and I found two of the Minifigures I wanted. I more than likely will not be reviewing the entire series, but I will show you all what I get.
Anyway, first up is the Ballerina.
LEGO.com description
“If you want to be as graceful as a swan, you have to train like a horse.”
It isn’t so easy to be a world-class dancer! That’s why the elegant Ballerina trains hard every day. It’s not just about wearing a frilly tutu and lacing up her stylish slippers. She’s got to practice every move and position until she gets them just right – otherwise, she won’t be able to do justice to classic ballets like The Brick Separator and Swan Blue Base Plate.
But it’s all worth it when the music swells and her performance begins. As she leaps and twirls about on the stage, as the audience goes silent and barely dares to breathe while watching her dance, that’s when she knows that all of her practice has paid off. And it’s a good thing too, because you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to learn to balance on your tip-toes when you have minifigure feet!
I actually dance, so the Ballerina minifig was a must buy.
The torso has little dots of silver printing that resembles sequins on the leotard. The Minifigure's face is a bit generic. The legs have silver printing to resemble pointe shoes. (Yes, I spelled pointe correctly) The back of the torso continues the sequins on the front.
The tutu is a new mold for this year. I think it may be a bit too rectangular though. (EDITOR: It's LEGO. Everything ends up rectangular.)
There are also some flowers printed on the Ballerina's hair piece
The ballerina is a pretty good minifigure. It would fit in a Swan Lake or The Nutcracker. I now want LEGO to make a partner for her. (EDITOR: And to keep her away from your sister, who covets her.)
The Frightening Knight is, well, frightening.
This knight is pretty imposing. The gunmetal and green colors work together to make an awesome minifig.
LEGO.com description
“Boo! Boo who? Boo ME!”
The Frightening Knight is very, very scary. No one is quite certain just what makes him so scary. Maybe it’s his gravelly, growly voice. Maybe it’s his scowling expression, or his intimidating armor and helmet, or his spiky morning star weapon, or the angry-looking bear on his shield. Or maybe he just smells scary somehow.
Being frightening isn’t just the Frightening Knight’s name – it’s also his great passion in life. If he doesn’t leave everybody who sees him shaking in their boots, then he feels like he hasn’t done his job right. All the bad guys agree that he’s pretty much the scariest Minifigure around. Even the legendary Fright Knights kicked him out for being just too scary. He could probably be a little less scary if he tried…but why would he ever want that?
The knight's weapon is a mace. We have gotten a LEGO mace before, but this a is a new piece.
The mace is a short bar in gunmetal with a spiky ball at the end.
The knight has a shield with a snarling bear on it.
The knight has a grumpy looking face. I really think the protruding tooth looks silly.
The knight has chain mail with a dark green tunic on top.
The knight's legs are actually two colors molded together. I really like how LEGO can put so much detail in figures.
The figure has a new shoulder armor piece with spikes on it. I love this piece and want a whole lot more of them.
The knight also has gauntlets printed on his arms.
The Frightening Knight fits in perfectly with the Dragon Knights from LEGO's Kingdoms theme.
The Frightening Knight has become my favorite Collectible Minifigure of all time. I love the accessories and the detailed prints.
As always, thanks for reading!
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